oncogenic and therapeutic potential nuclear receptors IN
 bladder cancer

Modern genomic characterization of tumors is not only revealing the fundamental basis for cancer, but is also illuminating rational drug targets to pursue. There are now multiple examples of highly successful anti-cancer drugs that were developed to target the abnormal products of mutated cancer genes. Encouragingly, data amassed from recent bladder cancer sequencing efforts has revealed targetable cancer-causing mutations. As a particularly exciting example, ~25% of bladder cancers have gene alterations in a class of proteins called nuclear receptors.  Nuclear receptors are attractive drug targets because they are highly amenable to modulation with drugs and there is a rich understanding of the types of chemicals that can modulate their function.  While the genetic evidence is compelling, it remains to be comprehensively proven that these targets warrant a full drug development effort.  I am proposing a series of experiments to validate aberrant nuclear receptors as worthwhile drug targets.